Nature’s All-Natural Sanitizer:
Amazing Device Uses UV-Light to Completely Remove Germs and Viruses From High Touch Surfaces

S.T. Helen
Posted today
Influenza, coronavirus and other common pathogens can live on the hard surfaces in your home for periods of 24 hours or more. Think about that! These harmful germs can be transmitted to you simply by touching everyday objects that an ill person has touched previously: door knobs, computer keyboard and, perhaps the dirtiest object we own, mobile phones.
Such commonly-touched objects constantly collect bacteria, viruses and particulate matter. You can’t see them, but they can easily make you quite sick.
Take mobile phones, for example. Scientists have tested phones many times and found that the bacteria level on them is higher than toilet seats!! Think about how much you touch your phone each day! And maybe you even touch your friends’ phones?
We handle so many objects all day long. Just think of the things that you touch.
Remote controls
Tablets and iPads
Laptops and keyboards
Telephone handsets
Calculators and phone chargers
Desktops, tables and other surfaces
Eyeglasses and pens
Door knobs and handles
If you think of it, you come in contact with a huge number of devices and surfaces every day of the week.
All of these things have the potential to be disease and bacteria carriers.
Sure, MOST of the time you don’t get sick, but it only takes ONE time to catch a deadly flu, a terrible skin rash, or even an undiagnosed disease that can take you down!
If you’re like me, you like to keep objects in your home sanitized
If you have kids, you want them to live in a safe environment.
I wanted an effective product that could keep ALL my devices clean and safe. I did weeks of online research.
So, I read many different studies. There were some inferior products like Phonesoap that sterilized mobile phones only. Other products just didn’t work well.
But the winner was a new device called MOBILE KLEAN, which was better and more powerful and more useful for many devices!
MOBILE KLEAN is an ultraviolet light sanitizer, which uses a flash of ultraviolet light to eliminate all bacteria and viruses, including pathogens, viruses and other common contaminants.
This precision engineered UV pathogen killer takes just 1 second to create a safe environment without any use of chemicals. Ridding of chemicals to kill bacteria and create super hygienic environments is only a good thing, as the general safety and smell of chemicals can be of concern to all people, let alone those who have to use such products to do the cleaning. But with the MOBILE KLEAN, this worry is eliminated as well as all bacteria.
This pathogen killer eliminates bacteria and viruses to help protect your household from illness. You need not use any dangerous chemicals, wipes or harsh detergents to easily “swipe away with light” all your precious devices!
The MOBILE KLEAN includes a safety guard which directs the light where it needs to go when the light has been activated
By scanning the germicidal sanitary device over surfaces, the MOBILE KLEAN includes a safety guard which directs the light where it needs to go when the light has been activated. As a precaution, the sanitary device turns off its UV light if it has been turned upside down, so that the user isn’t exposed to the powerful light.
So your eyes are protected from exposure to the powerful UV light, it will only turn on when the beam is pointed down, and at your device, not your eyes. It is fail-safe.
This powerful light destroys the cell walls of bacteria and viruses, rendering them unable to reproduce and consequently eliminating them altogether
The technology behind the UV 360 ensures that the bacteria’s DNA is completely destroyed, which in technical terms, deactivates the bacteria, leaving it dead and unable to cause any health worries to those around it. The sanitary device can even eliminate mould and fungus from appliances and surfaces, plus allergy-inducing microorganisms, which can only mean less trips to the doctors.
MOBILE KLEAN can be used on all sorts of surfaces within the home, such as laptop keyboards and smartphones, cutlery, and even toilets.
MOBILE KLEAN uses the same natural UV light as hospitals use, it is a device that can destroy unwanted bacteria including E. Coli, H1N1 and MSRA, the UV pathogen killer is something you must have for hygienic protection within your home and for your devices!
MOBILE KLEAN is engineered to be safe and effective. It is a patented device that is lightweight, sturdy, built to last and easy to use.
MOBILE KLEAN is compact and cool-looking. It can be carried in your purse, in a coat pocket, or packed in an overnight bag ready to kill bacteria and give you peace of mind.
Wave it over a surface or device for a one second burst, and it kills millions of bacteria and viruses. Even germs left by insects, flies and bedbugs.
When you use MOBILE KLEAN on your phone and devices, you may greatly eliminate allergies, rashes and mysterious sniffles!
UV-C light is germicidal – i.e., it deactivates the DNA of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens and thus destroys their ability to multiply and cause disease. Specifically, UV-C light causes damage to the nucleic acid of microorganisms by forming covalent bonds between certain adjacent bases in the DNA. The formation of such bonds prevent the DNA from being unzipped for replication, and the organism is unable to reproduce. In fact, when the organism tries to eplicate, it dies.
Doctors and nurses who work with contagious diseases know the value of washing their hands. But there is always the risk of constant confection.
One hospital reduced the rate of infection of it’s staff almost 99% when everyone was given a MOBILE KLEAN™ device to sanitize bathrooms, cell phones and medical instruments before using them.
MOBILE KLEAN engineered to cover the whole spectrum of disease producing organism.
1. Shipping was super fast. I ordered online and the MOBILE KLEAN was in my hands in about a week.
2. Extremely easy to use! I just popped in batteries and it worked great!
3. I sterilized my cell phone, all my remotes, the phones in my office and anything else other people touched.
4. It was amazingly simple. I just flipped on the switch and I could see the UV light penetrating and eliminating toxic germs.
5. When I went on a trip, I used MOBILE KLEAN on my airline tray and on the airline toilet seat. I even used it to clean the faucet handles before I touched then.
6. SUCCESS! My sniffles and colds have dropped down to almost nothing. My kids don’t get sick or get rashes, and our family vacations are no longer ruined.
I’m Thrilled, and 100% Satisfied! I Ordered a Mobile Klean For Everyone in My Family, and I Even Bought One to Leave at The Office!
I found out there was a special discount offer going on, so if you want a bargain, get one here
It’s 100% covered by an iron-clad money back guarantee, so there are no worries. But I can’t imagine anyone returning one!!

Jamie T. DISGUSTING. I have shivers just thinking about all the gross things that could be lingering on my sheets. I NEED THIS!!

Thomas K. I have this exact product, and it works great. I don’t go anywhere without it. For real, this will change the way you live. Gives me peace of mind.

Laura H. I’ve been looking for something like this! I always watch shows that reveal the ugly truth about hotel rooms and I’d like to kill the harmful bacteria before sleeping on any hotel bed. Will definitely order one.

George J. I just ordered this today. I travel a lot for work so I’m always staying in different hotels and it would be nice to get rid of the harmful bacteria first. I will update my review after I use it.

Mary R. I love this thing. I use it on pretty much everything. Even door handles and the seat belts in my car (surprisingly VERY disgusting). I also have 3 kids so who knows what germs they bring home from school!

Judy F. I’m kinda skeptical about this one. Will update on here once I use it!
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